
review on

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How Make Money with is a free URL redirection service with a twist. Get paid for every link you share on the Internet. Simply register an account and start shrinking your URLs. You get paid for every person who visits your URLs. You can place links on FaceBook, Twitter, forums, and anywhere else you share links! This is a brand new service to make money online and it's really worth joining. It's quite similar to but it offers better payouts and user experience is better in some points.

Check out an example: (This is a link to

You can earn up to $4.50 per 1000 visits to your URLs that you shrink with All advertisements are safe and G-Rated with no pop-ups or interferences. payout users automatically every 7 days for earnings higher than $5.00.

Referral Commissions: Earn 15% of referred users earnings! FAQ
Adfocus FAQHow does the service work? is a revolutionary new way of making money from sending people to links. If you have a popular FaceBook or Twitter profile and you discover an interesting article, simply drop the link in the URL shortener and send the shortened URL to your friends. Once people start clicking on the link, you start making money! You can also post your links on your Squidoo lenses, in your forum signatures and on your blogs. More traffic means more money. Links are pointing to the same address, but you make some extra money on the way!

How much will you be paid for my shortened URLs?
All of the clicks you receive on your shortened URLs are paid out according to the country each visiting user comes from. United States generally pays out the most because it is the highest quality for advertisers. You can take a look at the exact payouts on the Payout Rates page.

What is the minimum payment threshold for payment? pay our users as long as they have earned more than $5.00 since their last payment. If it is your first payment, you must earn $5.00 first before a payout is sent. We set these minimums to allow weekly payments to be sent instead of sending payment once every month. Referral Program
make more money by referring new users
Adfocus Referral ProgramThe referral program is a great way of making extra money from simply referring other users to join our service. Referring new users to will give you 15% of the referred user's earnings for life.
through your links.

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